Ethereum: Understanding IP address tracing via Bitcoin Transaction

Underding IP Address Tracing to Bitcoin Transactions: A Deep Dive

Ass a number, we decided to dele into to be a world off Bitcoin Transactions and Explore how IP Address Tracing works. Conversation with individual who helped pocket track an IP adjussion duration a Bitcoin traction is sparked with curiosity about this.

In ur ​​research, we have discovered that IP admissions tracing is crucial aspect of tracking cryptocurrency transactions, particularly those inclusion with Bitco. Here’s what we have:

What is IP address tracing in Bitcoin transactions?

IP adjunct tracing refers to the processes of identifying and locating a specific IP adjunation associated with a Bitcoin transaction. This involves analyzing the transaction data, including the sensor’s wallet address, transaction hash, and allther relevant information.

How ​​does IP adjussionary tracing work in Bitcoin transactions?

The process type of begins whispy of a user initiates a Bitcoin Transaction esting their wrets. The transaction is the Bitcoin Network, the Whether it is a verified by node. During this verification process, the transaction data, including the sensor’s wallet address and transaction hash, is recorded.

When an IP IP Adddress is associated with a particular walet or transction, uric reveled various tools and techniques can be use that IP isd. These include:

  • IP geolocation data base: Specialized data base containing information about IP addresses, such as a their geographical location.

  • Cretchant of Cyrptocurrence Servery: Companies Specializing in Bitcoin Related Transactions, Which Analyze the data to identify potency connections.

  • Referse DNS lookup

    : A Method Used to Determinine the domain name associated with an IP donations.

Wy is IP address tracing imports?

IP address tracing has signification implications for various stakeholders, including law inforcement agencies, cryptocurrency exchanges, and individual rusrs.

  • Law’s authority: IP address tracing cans help reindeer identify and track individual oror organizations involved in activities, such as money laundering or terrorist.

  • Comchanges of Corrections: Exchanges must be that all transactions are the power sanctions or penalties. By analyzing IP adjussions associated with suspicious transactions, the can take corrective action.

  • Individual users: Conditions IP adjunctive candrae candies in order to be a potential risk of associated with unsecured unneted conversions.

Call and Limitations*

While IP Address Traceing is Valable tool For various stakeholders, there are the several challenges and limitations to consider:

  • Transaction data limitations: Bitcoin transaction data is off publicly available bubons of the always contain detailed information in the bout the sensor or recipient.

  • Anonnymity and Privacy and Privacy and Privacy: Some individual May advertisements orientations IP attachment or identify the VPNs, Tor Networks, or other anonymity tools.

  • Regulatory framework: Existing laws and regulations regulating cryptocurrency transactions and IPs in the advertising tracing are ovolving and may vary acrossditions.


Integration, underdeveloping IP-storage tracing via Bitcoin transactions is complement that requires a deep-business into-world off crypto currency and its. While there has been able to do so wells, particularly is open to the regulator agencies, so that it will be used for news.

If you’re the most in-breeding more Bitcoin transactions or have spections regulating IP donkey tracing, feel free to take out to us.

Ethereum: Why does Bitcoin use two rounds of SHA256?

Ethereum SHA-256 withdrawal mechanism: Understanding the two-wheeled process

The Ethereum blockchain uses a unique extract mechanism that is included in two rounds of the SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 256) to record its blocks and ensure the integrity of the data. This process may seem complex, but it is essential to understand why two rounds are needed.

What is Sha-256?

The SHA-256 is a cryptographic hash function aimed at producing a fixed-sized string called hash or digestion from the input string of text or other data. The algorithm is considered safe because it uses a combination of hash and digital signatures to prevent data violations.

Why two rounds are Sha-256?

The Ethereum Blockchain withdrawal mechanism includes two turns in the Sha-256, which at first glance may seem excessive. There are many reasons why two rounds are needed:

  • Prevention of dual expenses

    : The second round of the SHA-256 is transaction data as «work evidence», ensuring that it is not simply repeated or modified without intention. This prevents dual -edited attacks where the attacker twice tries to spend the same cryptocurrency.

  • Data Integrity : Each block is subtracted twice, providing an additional safety layer against counterfeiting. The first hash serves as a «initialization» step, while the second hash confirms that the data has been properly processed and stored in the blockchain.

  • Efficiency

    : Using the two rounds of the SHA-256 reduces computing over, compared to only one round. This is particularly important for large blocks containing many transactions.

How does Ethereum hash mechanism work?

Here’s a step by step Explanation:

  • The first hash uses SHA-256 to convert the transaction data into a fixed size string.

  • The second hash uses Sha-256 to combine transaction data and block header, creating a single larger HASH representing the entire block.

Why is this necessary?

The two-round SHA-256 Extract Mechanism in Ethereum has many benefits:

  • Data integrity : All blocks are guaranteed to be fake and secure.

  • Prevention of dual expenses : The second round ensures that they cannot be copied or modified without the intention of transactions.

  • Efficiency : Using two rounds reduces computing costs compared to only one use.


The Ethereum SHA-256 withdrawal mechanism is a critical element of the blockchain, which provides additional safety and data integration to ensure the integrity of the network. Although it may seem complicated at first glance, understanding the argument behind the two -wheeled process will help the importance of such a system in maintaining the trust and reliability of the Ethereum network.

More sources

For more information on Sha-256 hash mechanisms please read:

  • [Sha-256 Wikipedia Page] (

  • [Documentation of Ethereum Blockchain] (


Solana: How to control the parameters of a bounding curve through DAO governance


Controlling Bounding Curves throwgh DAO Governance: A Step-by-Step Guide to Solana


As the blockcha, autonomous organizations (DAOs) are increasingly increasingly for the same popar and create ve business models. On the key components of the succesful DAO is the management of parameters that govern it operations, souch as an interest, vtinging weights, or so. In this article, we will explore how to control bounding curves thraugh DAO governance on Solana.

What are Bounding Curves?

Solana: How to control the parameters of a bounding curve through DAO governance

A boundy is a mathematical function that defines a range of values ​​for parameter that determines y system or energy consumption in a power grid. In a DAO context, a bounding curve can be used to control.

Why is Bounding Curve Governance Important?

Bounding curve is essential for several reasons:

Optimization*: By controlling the bounds the boundy curve, DAOs can optimize ther operations, ensuring that they are operating and saficent.

  • Risk Management: Bounding curves help to mitigate associated wth deviating from the optimal parameter walues.

  • Trust and Accountability: DAO governance strocters rely on trist and an accountability. By implementing bounding curves, DAOs demonstrated their to optimize their operations.

DAO Governance on Solana*

Solana, a decentralized blockchain platform, provides an i ideal environment for DAO. Its native token, SOL, can be used to vote on proposals that implement DAO governance, such as the obse of bounding curves.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to controlling bounding curves throwgh DAO governance on Solana:

  • Define the Bunding Curve: Identify the parameters and their optimal values ​​for your DAO.

  • Governant a DAO Guvernance Model*: Create a DAO governance mode, that outlines How the bounding wil will be used, incling the process and proposal.

  • Implement the DAO Governance Framework: Develop a framework to implement

  • Configure the Bunding Curve: Set up the bounding curve parameters in your DAO’s smarter.

  • Test and Refine: Test the DAO governance framework with simulations and refine it as need.

Similar Projects

While thee may not be bended duplicates of this projects, thee are of the projects that implement scientists:

  • [DAO Governance on Cosmos]( A blockchain-based DAO governance system.

  • [Governance on Polkadot]( A parachained DAO governance.

  • [DeFi DAOs on Etherum 2.0]( A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) governed by de voting mechanism.

By controlling bounding curves throvernance, you can create more efficent and textworthy for yourstems for yours.


Ethereum: Will Bitcoin suffer from a mining Tragedy of the Commons when mining fees drop to zero?

The Ethereum-Honest mining enigma: Bitcoin will suffer a mining tragedy of the commons when mining rates fall to zero?

As the world continues to deal with the challenges of increasing energy consumption and decreasing cryptocurrency lock reward such as bitcoin, a question has remained on the periphery of the discussion: what happens if mining rates fall to zero? It is unlikely that the scenario will occur soon, but it is essential to consider its possible implications in the Ethereum ecosystem and the broader cryptocurrency panorama.

In 2011, the creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, introduced a consensus mechanism called work test (POW), which is based on powerful computers that solve complex mathematical problems to validate transactions and create new blocks. This process requires a significant computational power, energy consumption and financial investment. However, as energy costs increase, mining rates have decreased dramatically, which makes it cheaper for miners to participate in the network.

The concept of a tragedy of common goods is based on the idea that when multiple individuals or entities benefit from a shared resource without guaranteeing their sustainability, it can lead to degradation and waste. In the context of cryptocurrency mining, this translates into the potential of greater consumption of energy and environmental damage if the costs are not adequately administered.

Theoretically, if mining rates fell to zero, miners would no longer be encouraged to participate in the network, which could lead to a system collapse. The absence of transaction rates income means that miners would not have an economic interest in maintaining and improving their hardware, leading to possible failures or inefficiencies.

In addition, without mining rates to compensate for energy costs, there may be fewer incentives to develop a more efficient hardware in energy, which could exacerbate environmental problems. In addition, reduced financial pressure could lead to a decrease in innovation, since miners would not see a tangible reward for their work.

The Ethereum community has expressed its concerns regarding the sustainability of the Ethereum Network. In 2020, the Ethereum Foundation published a report that highlights the significant energy consumption required by the Bitcoin work testing mechanism, which far exceeds Ethereum. While this is still an area of ​​research and development, it is clear that there are pressing problems to address.

The impact on honest miners

In theory, if mining rates fell to zero, miners who had invested time, money and resources in their hardware would probably be left with significant financial losses. This could lead to a loss of motivation among honest miners to participate in the network, which could cause a decrease in blocking rates.

Honest miners play a crucial role in the maintenance of the safety and integrity of the block chain, since they are responsible for validating transactions and creating new blocks. Without them, the network would be more vulnerable to exploits and 51% of attacks, which could have significant consequences for users.

A solution?

Ethereum: Will Bitcoin suffer from a mining Tragedy of the Commons when mining fees drop to zero?

To mitigate the risks associated with a mining tragedy of the commons, the Ethereum community needs to explore alternative solutions that guarantee sustainability while maintaining the integrity of the network. Some potential alternatives include:

  • Take test (POS) : A consensus mechanism where validators are rewarded with new tokens to create valid blocks instead of calculating complex mathematical problems.

  • Delegate work (DPOW)



solana with unauthorized

Ethereum: Get Binance USDT trc-20 trades (ETH/USDT)?

Here is an article on how to modify the Node.js route existing to return the operations from the throne network instead of binance:

Change of the API Binance route for return operations

As a developer who works with Ethereum and throne, you are probably familiar with the public binance bees for the recovery of operations. However, the current implementation returns operations from the Binance platform. To change this path and return operations from the throne network, we will have to make some changes.

Step 1: Identify the Endpoint Bees of the throne

Before starting, we identify the relevant endpoints on the throne blockchain for the recovery of operations:

* TRC-20 TOKEN TRADING API : `GET/API/V2/Tras (returns commercial data for a specific token and couple)

* TRX TOKEN TRAKEN API : `GET/API/V1/Tras (returns commercial data for a specific token and couple)

We will use the Endpoint API of TRKEN TRX trading as a starting point.

Step 2: Change the Binance API route for return operations

To return the operations from the throne, we must make the following changes to the existing route:



Const Response = wait client.get ($ {endpoint}/commercial);



*FROM: specifies the token and the couple for which you want to recover the operations (e.g. TRX/ETH)

* To: specifies the token and the couple for which you are interested in recovering the operations


Answer = Abswit client.get ($ {endpoint}/exchange? Da = trx & to = oth);


  • Update the property of each commercial object to include relevant information, such as the amount exchanged.

Step 3: Update the Node.js

route code

Here is an example of SNIPPPT code which shows how it is possible to change the existing path to return the operations from Tron:


Const Espress = Requirement ('Express');

Const App = Express ();

Const {Client} = Requirements ('@truffle/truffle-client'); // matters the client bookcase to truffle

// Sets a new instance of the API client with the Endpoint API TRX TOKEN TRAKEN TRADING API

Const Trxclient = New Client ({

Host: '

Token: "Your_Tron_Toke"


App.get ('/Commercial', Async (req, res) => {

Attempt {

Const Tradesresonse = Wait Trxclient.get ($ {Process.env.trx_api_endpoint}/commercialis);

// Loop through every trade and extract the relevant information ((commercial) => {

// assuming that the commercial object has a "amount" property with the amount exchanged

Console.log (commercial: $ {} - from: trx, to: eth, amount: $ {trade.amount});


Res.json (tradesresonse);

} Catch (error) {

console.error (error);

Res.status (500) .json ({Message: ‘Error Retroving Trades’});



App.Listen (Process.env.port, () => {

Console.log (`server listening on the door $ {process.env.port});



In this modified code fragment:

  • We create a new instance of the API client with the Endpoint API TRX TOKEN TRADING and the token.

  • We define a/negotiation path that returns the operations from the throne by calling the ‘GET’ method on the Endpoint of the TRX customer for the type of trade specified (in this case, TRX/ETH).

  • Loopmo through each commercial object and extract the relevant information, such as the amount exchanged.

  • Finally, we return the data extracted in a Json response.

This fragment of code shows how it is possible to change the existing path to return the negotiations from the throne. Remember to replace Your_Tron_Taken with the symbol of the token of the real throne (for example, TRX).

Ethereum: What’s the difference between ‘rpcallowip’ and ‘rpcbind’?

Understanding rpcallowip i rpcbind ‘: Optimizing the Ethereum node connection

In the world of blockchain development, network configurations play a key role in ensuring smooth communication between nodes. In this article, we make two critical settings that determine how the Ethereum node is connected to the network: rpcallowip i rpcbind ‘.

What are rpcallowip i rpcbind ‘?

The rpcallawip i rpcbind ‘is two parameters in Bitcoin (bitcoin.conf configuration file that controls the Ethereum node, enables incoming connections to a particular IP address. Both settings can be used to optimize network power, to reduce delay and improve the general user experience.

rpcallawip: enabled an arrival relationship

Rpcallawip determines which IP addresses can accept incoming connections from other online knots. If you are set to «», it allows you to connect any IP address to the node while disables all the other options. This setting is useful in certain scenarios:

* Testing or Development Environment : Enable Inbound Relationships can help you test the Ethereum knot without worrying about unexpected traffic.

* Public nodes : In some cases, you may need to enable public nodes to access private knots during testing.

rpcbind: tie the IP address

Rpcbind 'defines the IP address to which the Ethereum node is tied to when listening to incoming relationships. This setting is used primarily with local or closing nodes:

* Local nodes

: You may need to tie the knot to a particular IP address at the local start to ensure noisy communication.

* Nodes near : In scenarios where there are several Ethereum nodes within the same network (eg in a private network), RPCBind can help optimize communication between them.

The most important differences

Here are some key differences betweenrpcallowip ‘i rpcbind:

Setup |
Description |
Purpose |

| — — —

| Rpcallowip | Allows you to produce all IP addresses. | Testing or public nodes with unknown traffic. |

| Rpcbind | Defining the local IP address that is bound when hearing incoming relationships. | Local nodes, closing nodes in private networks. |

The best practice

To ensure optimal performance and user experience:



Understanding the differences between rpcallowip 'i rpcbind' can optimize the configuration of Ethereum node and improve your overall performance, allowing you to connect more efficiently with other blockchain nodes.

Example Configuration

Here's an example of how to setrpcallowipi rpcbindto the bitcoin configuration file ( bitcoin.conf):




Rpchost =

Rpcallowip =

Rpcbind =

Other configurations …


This example sets «RPCHOST» to join the Na 8545 ‘local node and allows incoming connections to both public nodes (0.0.0) and private network nodes (192.168. 1.100 ”).Rpcbind ‘is set to be linked to’ ‘.

Dogecoin Doge Huobi

Exploring the Role of AI in Enhancing NFT Authenticity

Exploring the role of artificial intelligence in improving the authenticity of NFT

The non -fixable token market (NFT) has undergone rapid growth in recent years, with artists, musicians and collectors who cry to create, buy and sell exclusive digital activities. However, one of the major challenges that the NFT community has to face is to guarantee authenticity and origin. In this article, we will explore the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in increasing the authenticity of NFT.

What are the non -fixable tokens?

The NFT are unique digital active inheritance in a blockchain, which guarantees their scarcity and immutability. Each NFT has a specific identity, such as a digital art or a collector’s object, which makes it distinguishable from other people on the market. The value of a NFT is determined by its rarity, demand and reputation of the Creator.

Challenges with the authenticity of NFT

Although the NFT have revolutionized the way we buy, we sell and exchange exclusive digital active ingredients, they also have significant challenges when it comes to authenticity. Questions such as:

* Falsification : the ease of copy and print NFTS makes them vulnerable to falsification.

* Falsifications : The tampering of metadata or the NFT code can create a falsification.

* The lack of transparency : controlling the origin and history of a NFT can be difficult, especially for new creators.

The role of AI in the increase in the authenticity of NFT

Artificial intelligence (AI) emerged as a crucial solution to these challenges. By exploiting advanced technologies such as automatic learning, computational vision and the processing of natural language, the IA can help guarantee the authenticity and integrity of the NFT.

Authentication systems based on automatic learning

A potential application of artificial intelligence in NFT authentication are the systems based on automatic learning that control metadata and the origin of an NFT. These systems use algorithms to analyze models in the data of various sources, such as blockchain transactions, social media posts and artists wallets. When anomalies or inconsistencies are detected, these systems can report possible counterfeits or counterfeits.

For example, an algorithm of automatic learning trained in a verified NFT data set can identify unusual models or behaviors that are indicative of tampering or manipulation. On the other hand, it can also detect thin changes in metadata that suggest a legitimate transfer of ownership.

verification based on computational vision

Another area in which artificial intelligence stands out is verification based on computational vision. When analyzing NFTS images and videos, artificial intelligence can help confirm its authenticity by detecting resources such as:

* Watermarking : controlling the creator’s identity or logo.

* Plot analysis

: detect changes that occur over time due to environmental or wear factors.

* Color comparison : confirmation of the original color palette of a NFT.

Authentication based on the elaboration of natural language

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is another critical component to guarantee NFT authenticity. The NLP AI -guidal tools can analyze text data from various sources, such as:

* Declarations of the artist : checking the origin and inspiration behind a NFT.

* Social media post : confirm the identity of a creator or collector.

* Metadati Blockchain

Exploring the Role of AI in Enhancing NFT Authenticity

: controlling the history and origin of a NFT.

By analyzing this complex network of information, the IA can help to ensure that the NFTs are authentic and not adulterated in any way.

Advantages of authenticity NFT moved to

Integration to in NFT authentication offers numerous advantages, including:

* improved safety : prevent falsifications and falsifications through automatic learning detection.

* Increased transparency : providing a clear audit path to buyers and creators.

* Improved credibility : establish confidence in authenticity and value of exclusive digital resources.

Custodial Services

Ethereum: What is a block-relay-only connection? What is it used for?

Ethereum: What is a block-relay connection?


In the realm of the distributed ledger, cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum are based on the underlying technology that allows secure and transparent transactions. One of the critical elements of these systems is the connection between the nodes of the network, which allows the data to be replaced and facilitates the consensus process. In this article, we are immersed in the concept of block-relay connections, which is a key aspect of Ethereum architecture.

What is a block-relay connection?

The only block-relay connection refers to a specific type of outgoing connection that has been designed between the nodes of the Ethereum network. This connection is used for gearboxes that include transmitting messages from one node to another without modifying or manipulating them in any way. The purpose of these relationships is diverse:

Relay Services

The primary function of block-relay connections is to facilitate the transmission of data between the nodes of the Ethereum network. Relay Services allows nodes to forward messages, such as transactions and suggestions, from one node to another without affecting their original integrity or content. This ensures that the message remains in its original form and can be accurately reconstructed with other nodes.

node -check

Only block-relay connections also play a role in node control processes within the Ethereum decentralized network. By establishing these relationships, nodes can check each other’s identities and ensure the authenticity of incoming messages. This is especially important for the nodes involved in the enforcement process of the new blocks, as they need to confirm that the message is real -e or violated.

Network scan

Only block-relay connections are also used in network scanning services aimed at recognizing and identifying the malicious activities of the Ethereum network. By establishing these connections, the nodes can return scanned data to other nodes of the network, allowing them to check the legitimacy of the information provided.

What is it used for?

Only block-relay connections were usually created using a protocol known as Relay Protocol (RP). This protocol allows nodes to transmit outbound connections and messages to other nodes of Ethereum network. The RP connection is used to transmit messages between the nodes, ensuring that they remain in its original form and that other nodes can be accurately reconstructed.


In summary, only block-relay connections are essential elements of Ethereum architecture, facilitating data transmission between network nodes and playing a decisive role in node control processes. These connections are used for gearboxes, node checks and network scanning, thus becoming an integral part of the decentralized system of Ethereum.

Modern versions of Bitcoin Core

Unlike Ethereum, the modern versions of Bitcoin Core (BTC-Core) create only a fixed number of outbound connections: 8 outgoing-top-relay connection and 2 block-relay connection. Although this may seem similar at first glance, the purpose and functionality of these relationships are significantly different between the two systems.

blockchain relay protocol

The difference between the relationship between Ethereum and Bitcoin Core is attributed to the distinctive goals and requirements of each system:


Ethereum: What is a block-relay-only connection? What is it used for?

: You only create block-relay connections for gearboxes, node checks and network scanning. These relationships facilitate the transmission of data between the nodes of the network while ensuring that the messages remain intact.

Bitcoin Core **: Create full relevant connections (8 outgoing-relay) to transfer transactions and other types of messages.

How to Stay Informed About P2P Cryptocurrency Risks

Here is a complete article on how to stay informed about the risks of the P2P (peer-to-peer) cryptocurrency::

Title: Stay up to date with the risks of cryptocurrency P2P: a guide


The technology of the cryptocurrency peer-to-peer (P2P) allows users to send and receive the cryptocurrencies directly, bypass traditional exchanges and financial institutions. While P2P transactions offer greater safety and decentralization, they are also with their risks. With the increase in the popularity of P2P cryptocurrencies, as well as concerns about volatility, lack of regulation and exploitation potential.

Risks Understanding

To be informed about the risks of the P2P cryptocurrency, it is essential to understand the following:

  • Volatility : P2P cryptocurrencies are known for their high volatility, which means that prices can flow rapidly and unpredictable.


  • exposure to scams : P2P transactions increase the risk of exposure, phishing attacks and other types of IT crimes.

  • Security violations : P2P networks are not designed with solid security measures, which makes them vulnerable to hacking and data violations.

How to stay informed

To be informed about the risks of the P2P cryptocurrency, follow these suggestions:

  • Be updated with the news of the sector : Famous sources such as COINDESK, COINDEGRAPH and BLOBROMERG is followed to be informed about the latest developments in the P2P cryptocurrency.

  • Search for the P2P platform: carefully search for each P2P platform on which investments or negotiations are taking into consideration, including their measures, taxes and safety reputation.

  • Understand the risks : educating the risks associated with P2P cryptocurrencies, including volatility, adjustment, scams and safety violations.

  • Diversifies the portfolio

    How to Stay Informed About P2P Cryptocurrency Risks

    : spread investments in a series of activities to minimize risk and maximize performance.

  • Use powerful passwords and 2fa : uses strong passwords and activates two factors (2fa) to protect hacking tests.

  • Monitor -Rear Account : regularly check the sales of the P2P accounts, the transactions chronology and any notification or notice relating to suspicious activities.

Additional tips

  • Be cautious for the unsolicited offers

    : Be away from unpr popular offers or wells that seem too beautiful to be true, because they can be the cheating.

  • Use safe communication channels : use safe communication channels, as a signal or wire to communicate with other P2P users.

  • Stay informed about the regulations : be updated with any regulatory changes or updates relating to P2P cryptocurrencies.


Stay informed about the risks of the P2P cryptocurrency requires a proactive, research and caution approach. Taking into account with the news in the sector, the detailed research of the platforms and the understanding of the risks associated with the P2P cryptocurrencies, it is possible to minimize exposure to potential threats and maximize performance. Give the priority to security and be cautious when you are engaged in P2P transactions.

I hope this article help you!

Ethereum: ECDSA x,y coordinate validity verification doesn’t seem to work

Ethereum: ECDSA X, Y Coordinate Expiration Test seems to work

The Ethereum platform largely depends on the elliptical curve of the digital signature algorithm (ECDSA), especially the SECP256K1, used in Bitcoin to ensure transactions and data integrity. However, a recent study has raised concerns about the validity test process using the ECDSA X, Y coordinate formula.

ECDSA Equation Understanding

The ECDSA algorithm uses the following equation to determine the validity of a possible point on the elliptical curve:

y^2 = x^3 + 7 mod p

Where (X, Y) is the point on the curve and P is the sequence (i.e. the number of curve points associated with this equation).

Problem with verification

In a study published on Web2.0calc, the authors showed how to check that the possible ECDSA point is valid using the Python code. They created the introduction of ECDSA and used it to generate and check the points on the elliptical curve.

However, when checking their code closely, they noticed that the equation y^2 = x^3 + 7 mod P does not seem to be a good basis for checking the validity of the possible point. The authors pointed out that this equation:

  • Is too simple: it only means x and y value chipping and cubic that makes it exposed to mistakes.

  • Not all possible cases are ignored: there are many other ways to generate points in an elliptical curve, and in the current equation these variations do not take into account.


In conclusion, the study findings show that the use of the ECDSA X, Y coordinate formula may not be reliable. This is due to its simplicity, lack of durability against various attacks and deduction of all cases in the elliptical curve.

As a result, developers and users must be cautious when relying on ECDSA -based validation methods. It is important to confirm the points using more advanced methods that take into account the complexity of elliptical curves.


To address this issue, we recommend:

  • Using more stable verification methods, such as those based on discreet logarithm problem (DLP) or hash function.

  • Implementation of additional inspections and verifications to ensure the validity of the points before the transactions.

  • Update with the latest research and events in cryptography.

Code Example

The authors of the study provided the implementation of the ECDSA Python to generate and check the points in the elliptical curve. While this code is not suitable for production, it illustrates the concepts above:


Import ElipticCurve

Def Genere_point (curve):

Using the curve parameters, generate a random point (x, y).

x = random.randint (1, 100)

Y = Pow (X, 3, Len (Curve))

return (x, y)

Def Verify_point (Point, Curve):

Check that the specified paragraph is valid in the curve.

About K Range (Len (Curve)):

If Pow (K, 3, Len (Curve)) == X ** 3 + 7:

return the truth

return to false

Curve = ElipticCurve (SECP256K1)

load the elliptical curve in SECP256K1.

Generate a random point (x, y).

Point = Generate_point (curve)

Check that the given point is valid.

If Verify_point (Point, Curve):

Print ("Point is valid.")


Print ("Point is not valid.")

Note that this code is only for education and should not be used in production. This emphasizes the need for more durable verification methods to ensure the safety and integrity of cryptographic transactions on blockchain platforms.