Ethereum: Default values of bytes1 to bytes32?

Default Values ​​for Bytes in Solidity: Understanding the Basics

When it comes to variables in Solidity, one of the most common questions beginners have is about the default values ​​for byte data types. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of default values ​​and how they apply to bytes in Solidity.

What are default values?

In programming, a default value is a value that a variable or function can take on without being explicitly given when it’s first declared. It’s like setting a variable to its default value, similar to what we use in languages ​​like JavaScript or C

to give a variable its initial value.

Byte Data Type in Solidity

In Solidity, the bytes data type is used to represent a block of binary data. It’s an unsigned 32-bit integer that can hold any value between 0 and 4294967295. When we talk about default values ​​for bytes in Solidity, we are talking about the initial value that the variable is assigned when it is first declared.

Understanding Default Values ​​for Bytes

According to the Solidity documentation ([ default values ​​can be specified using the bytes keyword followed by the length of the data type in parentheses. For example, to define a variable with an initial value of 0x1234, you would use:

var myBytes: bytes = 0x1234;

In this case, the default value for «myBytes» is 0x1234.

Example Use Case

Ethereum: Default values of bytes1 to bytes32?

Let’s look at an example to illustrate how the default values ​​for bytes work in Solidity. Let’s say we want to create a simple contract that stores and transfers data using bytes:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract DataStore {

bytes public myBytes = 0x1234; // The default value is 0x1234

function transferData(bytes memory src) internal {

// You can use the default value here, or update it manually if necessary.

myBytes = bytes(src);



In this example, the default initial value of «myBytes» is 0x1234. We can update its value using the transferData function.


Byte defaults in Solidity are a fundamental concept to understand when working with the language’s data types. By specifying default values ​​for variables, you can ensure that your contracts and functions behave as expected, even if they are not explicitly declared. In this article, we will show you examples of using byte defaults in Solidity, including a simple contract example.

By learning about byte defaults, you can write more efficient and readable Solidity code, making it easier to create scalable and maintainable smart contracts.

Limit Bullish Token Sale

Futures, Hardware wallet, Fundamental Valuation

Unlocking the Potential of Cryptocurrency: A Complete Guide to Cryptocurrencies, Futures, and Fundamentally Valuable Hardware Wallets

Over the past decade, the world of cryptocurrencies has seen a surge in popularity, with prices rising from pennies to thousands of dollars in just a few years. However, this unprecedented growth has also posed significant risks for investors who don’t yet understand how cryptocurrencies work or are unaware of the fundamental principles that determine their value.

In this article, we’ll explore three essential components of the cryptocurrency landscape: cryptocurrencies, futures, and fundamentally valued hardware wallets. Understanding these concepts can help you make informed decisions about cryptocurrency investments and navigate the complex world of digital currencies.


Cryptocurrencies are decentralized digital assets that use cryptography to secure financial transactions, control the creation of new units, and record transactions on a public ledger called a blockchain. The most well-known cryptocurrency is Bitcoin (BTC), but there are over 5,000 other cryptocurrencies today, each with its own unique characteristics.

How ​​Cryptography Works

  • Mining: New coins are created through a process called mining, which involves solving complex mathematical problems using powerful computers.
  • Blockchain: Transactions and ownership of cryptocurrency are recorded on a public ledger called a blockchain, which is managed by a network of nodes.
  • Wallets: Users store their cryptocurrencies in digital wallets, which can be software or hardware-based.


Futures are contracts that obligate parties to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price on a specific date in the future. In the context of cryptocurrencies, futures are derivative instruments that allow investors to speculate on the price movements of cryptocurrencies over time.

Types of Cryptocurrency Futures

  • Spot: A futures contract with the same underlying asset as the original transaction.
  • Futures: A futures contract with a different underlying asset than the original transaction.
  • Options: An option is a contract that gives the holder the right to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price.

Advantages and Risks

  • Speculation: Cryptocurrency futures offer investors the opportunity to profit from price movements, but they also carry significant risks of loss due to market volatility.
  • Liquidity: Cryptocurrency markets are highly liquid, making it easy to enter and exit trades quickly.
  • Risk Management

    : Investors can use various hedging strategies to mitigate their exposure to market risk.

Hardware Wallets

Hardware wallets are physical devices specifically designed to store cryptocurrency offline and securely. They provide an extra layer of protection against hacking and theft, preventing users from accessing their assets online.

Types of Hardware Wallets

  • Cold Storage: Stores cryptocurrency in a traditional environment, such as a computer or desktop, using software to manage the wallet.
  • Hot Storage: Stores cryptocurrency on a smartphone or mobile device, using apps to manage the wallet.

Pros and Cons

  • Security: Hardware wallets provide an extra layer of security against hacking and theft.
  • Control: Users have control over their assets and can choose between multiple software-based wallets if they choose.
  • Scalability: Some hardware wallets support multiple currencies, making it easier to manage diversified portfolios.

Fundamental Valuation

When evaluating the value of cryptocurrencies, fundamental valuation is a crucial component. It involves analyzing key factors such as:

  • Supply and Demand: The relationship between buyers and sellers can affect prices.

innovative tokenomics

Ethereum: Why can malicious miners not award themselves with any number of bitcoins?

Ethereum Limitations: Why Malicious Miners Can’t Allocate Bitcoins to Themselves

Ethereum, one of the most popular blockchain platforms, is shrouded in controversy over its design and implementation. One of the biggest issues with Ethereum is the fact that malicious miners can’t allocate a significant amount of Bitcoins to themselves. In this article, we’ll dive into why this is and what happens if a miner tries to exploit this limitation.

Basics: What is a Miner?

Ethereum: Why can malicious miners not award themselves with any number of bitcoins?

A miner is a person or organization that uses powerful computers (called mining rigs) to validate transactions on the Ethereum network and create new blocks. The main goal of a miner is to solve complex mathematical puzzles, which requires a lot of computing power. When a miner solves these puzzles, they are rewarded with newly minted Bitcoins, as well as transaction fees from other users.

Why can’t malicious miners award themselves bitcoins?

Now let’s address the question: why can’t malicious miners award themselves bitcoins if they want to? The answer lies in the design of the Ethereum network itself. Specifically, it has something to do with transactions and proof-of-work (PoW) consensus.

Transactions are verified by miners

On the Ethereum network, each transaction is verified by multiple miners before it is added to the blockchain. This process requires significant computing power from these miners, which can be expensive to maintain. As a result, the cost of verifying a transaction becomes prohibitively high for malicious actors.

Proof-of-work (PoW) consensus

The Ethereum network uses a proof-of-work (PoW) consensus algorithm to secure its blockchain. This means that nodes on the network compete to solve complex mathematical puzzles, which requires significant computing power. The first miner to solve these puzzles can add a new block of transactions to the blockchain and broadcast it to the network.

Why self-rewarding miners don’t work

If a malicious miner tried to award themselves bitcoins simply for solving a puzzle, there are a few reasons why this could be prevented:

  • Cost: The computing power required to solve the puzzle is significant, making it extremely difficult for an individual miner to afford.
  • Network effect: Because many miners compete to solve the puzzles and add new blocks to the blockchain, the incentive to attempt to mine alone is low. It’s unlikely that a single miner would be able to beat this collective effort.
  • Power requirements: The energy required to run a powerful mining rig is significant, which can lead to significant costs for both the miner and the network.

What happens if miners attempt to self-award?

If a miner were somehow able to afford the computing power needed to solve the puzzles themselves, a few things could happen:

  • Block reward inflation: As more miners attempt to self-award mining rewards, the block reward for solving puzzles will decrease as fewer transactions are verified.
  • Increased energy consumption

    : The increased energy consumption of mining rigs will lead to higher electricity costs and potentially harm the environment.

  • Network congestion: As more miners compete for computing power, network congestion could become a serious problem, leading to slower transaction processing.


In summary, malicious miners cannot award themselves bitcoins due to the very design of Ethereum’s proof-of-work (PoW) consensus algorithm and the costs associated with solving complex mathematical puzzles. While the idea of ​​someone with malicious intent attempting to mine cryptocurrencies on their own may seem intriguing, it comes with significant risks to both the miner and the network as a whole.

Fundamental Valuation, Monero (XMR), Whale

Here is an article that fits your requirements:

“Monero (XMR) Whale Basics and Cryptocurrency Market Analysis”

Monero (XMR) is a decentralized digital currency that uses ring signatures and x-private keys to ensure its privacy and anonymity. Here are some basics of Monero and why it has attracted whales to the crypto market.

What is Monero?

Monero is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that allows users to send and receive payments without revealing their transaction information, making it an attractive option for individuals and organizations looking for enhanced financial privacy and security. The currency uses advanced cryptography, including ring signatures and x-private keys, to ensure the privacy and anonymity of transactions.

Whale Characteristics

A whale is a large and active trader or investor who can have a significant impact on market prices. Monero whales are typically institutional investors with a long-term focus, seeking to maximize returns while minimizing risk. These traders often hold large amounts of XMR and engage in various market activities, such as buying and selling, to shape price dynamics.

Why do whales invest in Monero?

Several factors contribute to Monero’s appeal to whales:

  • Enhanced Privacy: Monero’s ring-based consensus mechanism ensures the privacy of transaction information, which is attractive to individuals seeking increased financial security.
  • Low Fees: Compared to other cryptocurrencies, XMR has relatively low transaction fees, making it an attractive option for traders and investors with large capital.
  • Stable Price

    : Monero has historically maintained a stable price, which can provide stability for whales as they invest in the coin.

Market Analysis

The crypto market is subject to significant volatility, influenced by various factors such as regulatory changes, technological advancements, and economic conditions. However, Monero’s features offer several advantages that can help whales weather these fluctuations:

  • Limited Supply

    : The total supply of XMR is limited to 21 million, which can help maintain market stability.

  • Growing Adoption: As more companies and institutions start accepting cryptocurrencies, the demand for XMR may increase, which will lead to higher prices.

In conclusion, Monero (XMR) whales are attracted to this cryptocurrency due to its improved privacy features, low fees, and stable price. Although the crypto market is inherently volatile, Monero’s features offer several advantages that can help these large traders and investors weather the fluctuations.

ethereum module named binance

Ethereum: python Binance: APIError(code=-1013): Filter failure: LOT_SIZE

Ethereum and Binance API Issues: Solution for Creating Limit Orders

As a cryptocurrency enthusiast and developer, you are not the only one who has had to deal with the frustration of encountering the LOT_SIZE error when creating limit orders on the Binance API. In this article, we will take a closer look at the causes of this issue and propose a solution.

Issue: LOT_SIZE Error

The LOT_SIZE error (1013) is an internal error that occurs when executing a limit order on the Binance API. The exact cause of this error can be difficult to determine, but some of the most common causes include:

  • Incorrect or missing required parameters
  • Insufficient or missing market data
  • Insufficient balance in your account

Issue: Minimum Quantity

One potential cause of the LOT_SIZE error is a problem with the minimum quantity parameter. By setting the minimum amount of a limit order, there is a possibility that you will exceed the available margin in your account.

To solve this problem, let’s analyze some Python code examples and analyze possible solutions.

Example Code: Binance API Limit Order Creation

import requests

Ethereum: python Binance: APIError(code=-1013): Filter failure: LOT_SIZE

Replace with your Binance API credentials and endpoint URL

api_url = "

Define query parameters for limit order creation

query_parameters = {

"symbol": "ETHUSD",

Specify the asset pair

"side": "limit",

Specify whether this is a buy or sell order

"type": "order",

Order type (in this case limit)

"direction": "buy",

Trade direction (buy/sell)

"quantity": 0,1,

Order quantity (in decimal format, e.g. 100)

"timeInForce": "valid until canceled"

Time period for the order to be valid


Configure authentication and headers

headers = {

"Content-Type": "application/json",



Execute the query

response =, json=query_params, headers=headers)

Check if the response contains any error messages

if "error" in response.json():

print("Error:", response.json()["error"]["message"])


Handle a successful API response

order_id = response.json()["data"]["orderID"]

print(f"Created a limited order: {order_id}")

Troubleshooting the LOT_SIZE error

By examining the code, you may notice that setting the parameter min_quantity to 0.1 is likely causing an error. You can try increasing this value to ensure there is enough margin in your account.

Additionally, please make sure that:

  • You have enough funds in your account to fulfill the transaction.
  • The lotSize API call (in this case LOT_SIZE) returns a successful response without any errors.

Additional Tips and Troubleshooting

To resolve this issue, please check the following:

  • Check that your Binance API credentials are correct and up to date.
  • Make sure you are using the correct API endpoint URL to create limit orders (
  • Check for any other errors or warnings in the JSON response.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, please provide more details about your setup and environment, including your Binance API credentials, account information, and code snippets. We will be happy to assist you further!


Metamask: Metamask The method «signTypedData_v4» does not exist / is not available

Bug with Metamask and Signed Data Version 4 (v3)

Since my last update, Metamask has a limitation regarding support for Signed Type Data version 4. The «signTypedData_v4» method is indeed not available in the latest protocol standards.

This means that when you try to use Signed Type Data with Metamask, you will encounter an error message indicating that it does not exist. However, I will provide some workarounds and explanations of how this limitation affects you:

What does «signTypedData_v4» do?

signedTypedData_v4 is a method used by Ethereum 2.0 to transfer signed type data between the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and the signer contract in Metamask.

Why is «signTypedData_v4» not available in the latest protocol standards?

The latest protocol standards for Signed Type Data version 4 do not include the signTypedData_v4 method. This change may have been made to accommodate new features or improve performance.

Workarounds and Solutions

Since the signTypedData_v4 method is no longer supported, you can use one of the following alternatives:

  • Use typed data version 3 (v2): You can still use typed data with a metamask if you specify the SignedTypedData_v2 format instead. This will allow you to transfer signed data between the EVM and the Contract Signer.

const typedData = new TypedData.SignedTypedDataV2({

type: ' SignedTypedData_v2',

value: {

// Your signed typed data here



  • Use a library or module that supports Signed Type Data: Libraries and modules are available that provide support for Signed Type Data, such as metamask-unsigned-typedata. These libraries can offer more features and flexibility than the built-in metamask support.
  • Consider upgrading to Ethereum 2.0

    : If you plan to use Ethereum 2.0 or its associated software (such as Metamask), you should be aware that signed type data is currently supported in the latest protocol standards.


In short, due to a limitation of the signTypedData_v4 method, you cannot use it with metamask’s Signed Type Data version 4. You can still use signed data with metamask by specifying the SignedTypedData_v2 format or using a library that supports it.

If you are looking for more information on how to get around this limitation, let me know!

Bitcoin: What is the probability of randomly getting a 12 word seed phrase with the same word repeated 12 times?

The Probability of a “Stuttering” Bitcoin Seed Phrase

In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of Bitcoin seeds and examine the possibility of generating a 12-word seed phrase with the same word repeated exactly 12 times.

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that uses cryptography to secure and verify transactions. Each block in the blockchain contains a unique code called a “hash” or “seed phrase.” The purpose of these seed phrases is to ensure the integrity and security of the Bitcoin network.

The Nature of Bitcoin Seeds

A Bitcoin seed phrase consists of 12 words, each separated by a space. These words are generated randomly using a cryptographic algorithm, such as the SHA-256 hash function. When you create a new Bitcoin address or generate a new seed phrase, each word is chosen from a predetermined set of possibilities.

The “Stuttering” Seed Phrase

It turns out that there is a chance that a 12-word seed phrase could be identical to itself, with exactly 12 repetitions of a single word. This phenomenon has been observed by some Bitcoin enthusiasts and researchers.

Let’s dive into the mathematics behind this probability.

To calculate the probability of generating a “stuttering” seed phrase, we need to consider the number of possible combinations of 12 words that can be created using a set of predefined words (e.g. English words). We will use the following assumptions:

  • Each word has 26 letters in the English alphabet.
  • The first letter is always capitalized.

Using these assumptions, we can calculate the total number of possible combinations as follows:

import math

words = ["Apple", "Banana", ..., "Zebra"]

num_words = len(words)

total_combinations = num_words ** 12

Calculate the probability of generating a stuttering seed phrase

probability = (1 / total_combinations) (num_words - 2) * 6

print("The estimated probability of randomly obtaining a 'stuttering' seed phrase is:", round(probability, 4))

Decomposing the probability

In this code snippet, we calculate the total number of possible combinations using exponentiation. We then calculate the probability by multiplying two factors:

  • The numerator is the denominator of the fraction.
  • The denominator is the product of (num_words – 2) and 6.

Finally, we round the result to four decimal places.

The Final Answer

Based on our calculations, the estimated probability of randomly generating a “stuttering” seed phrase is approximately
(1/2048). This means that if you were to independently generate 12-word seed phrases for each Bitcoin transaction, it would be extremely unlikely that exactly two words would be repeated 12 times.

However, keep in mind that this calculation assumes an ideal scenario and does not take into account several factors that may affect the actual probability of generating a stuttering seed phrase. Nevertheless, it is fascinating to explore the possibilities of “stuttering” Bitcoin seeds.


The phenomenon of “stuttering” Bitcoin seed phrases is a rare occurrence that highlights the complexity and uniqueness of each seed phrase generated by the cryptographic algorithm. While the probability remains extremely low, it is an intriguing aspect of the Bitcoin ecosystem that warrants further exploration and analysis.

Bitcoin: pkh() nested in tr() is allowed?

Bitcoin Core Test Cases: PKH() Nested in TR() is Allowed

The Bitcoin Core test suite has been updated to allow pkh() nested within tr() in certain cases. This feature was noted as invalid in the original Text Vector, but it is now enabled.

What is PKH() and TR()?

pkh() is a command that converts a key (address) from one format to another (e.g., from Bitcoin’s script format to human-readable text). tr() is a command that reverses the order of characters in a string. In the context of Bitcoin, both commands are used for formatting and debugging purposes.

The original Text Vector

In the original Text Vector, the following code was noted as invalid:

// Text Vector: PKH() nested in TR()

int main() {

printf("%s\n", pkh(tr("addr1M4nLp9zJfRt2F7VwQqG5dXxSTK3yWYrP"))); // invalid

return 0;


The tr() command was used to convert the address from script format to text, but then the pkh() command was used to convert the resulting string back to Bitcoin’s script format. This nested usage of both commands was noted as invalid.

Update to Bitcoin Core Test Suite

However, in the updated test suite, this behavior is no longer considered an error. The code in question can now be rewritten without using tr():

// Text Vector: PKH() nested in TR() (updated)

int main() {

printf("%s\n", pkh("addr1M4nLp9zJfRt2F7VwQqG5dXxSTK3yWYrP")); // valid

return 0;


In this updated version, the pkh() command is used directly to convert the address to script format, without using the tr() command.


The Bitcoin Core test suite has been updated to allow pkh() nested within tr(). This feature can be used to simplify debugging and formatting operations, but it may introduce performance issues if used excessively. It is essential to review the code carefully before updating any existing tests or applications that use this behavior.

The Synergy of AI and Blockchain in Fraud Prevention

AI and Blockchain Synergy in Fraud Prevention

In today’s digital age, businesses are under increasing pressure to protect themselves from evolving types of financial fraud. With the rise of sophisticated cyberattacks and the increasing use of online transactions, the need for effective fraud prevention strategies has never been more critical.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology are two powerful tools that are revolutionizing the way we detect and prevent financial crimes. By combining these technologies, organizations can create a robust and effective system to identify and disrupt fraudulent activities in real time.

The Fraud Problem

Financial fraud is a multi-billion dollar global industry, where fraudsters are constantly finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in the system. Traditional detection methods, such as manual review and human analysis, are often inadequate and can be error-prone. Furthermore, the growing use of online transactions has exposed businesses to a wider range of threats, from phishing attacks to identity theft.

The Role of AI

The Synergy of AI and Blockchain in Fraud Prevention

Artificial intelligence is an increasingly popular tool in fraud prevention due to its ability to quickly analyze large amounts of data and accurately identify patterns that may indicate fraudulent activity. AI algorithms can be trained on vast sets of transaction data, identifying anomalies and inconsistencies that would otherwise go unnoticed by human analysts.

AI-powered systems can also learn from experience and adapt to new threats as they emerge. For example, an AI system could be trained to recognize known phishing techniques and alert users accordingly. This ability to learn and adapt is a key differentiator in the fight against fraud.

The Role of Blockchain

Blockchain technology has revolutionized the way we store and verify transactions, creating a secure and transparent ledger that records all interactions between parties. By using blockchain-based systems for fraud prevention, organizations can create a clear record of every transaction, making it difficult to alter or manipulate data.

A blockchain-based system can also enable the creation of immutable digital signatures, which ensure that transactions are authentic and cannot be altered in real time. This level of security provides a solid foundation for preventing financial crimes.

Synergy of AI and Blockchain

The combination of AI and blockchain creates a powerful synergy in fraud prevention. Here’s how:

  • Predictive Analytics: AI algorithms can analyze large data sets to identify patterns and anomalies that may indicate fraudulent activity.
  • Immutable Ledger: Blockchain technology ensures that transactions are accurately recorded, making it difficult to alter or manipulate data.
  • Target-proof record: A blockchain-based system provides a tamper-proof record of every transaction, ensuring that all parties can verify the authenticity of each transaction.

Implementing AI and Blockchain for Fraud Prevention

To effectively implement these technologies, organizations should consider the following steps:

  • Data collection: Gather as much data as possible about transactions, including metadata and transaction details.
  • Data analysis

    : Use AI algorithms to analyze the collected data and identify patterns that may indicate fraudulent activity.

  • Blockchain implementation: Implement a blockchain-based system for recording transactions, ensuring immutability and tamper-proofness.
  • Machine learning integration: Integrate machine learning algorithms into the blockchain system to enhance predictive analytics capabilities.


The synergy of AI and blockchain in fraud prevention has the potential to revolutionize the way we detect and prevent financial crimes.

Solana: Help Needed: ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND in Solana TypeScript Project

Help Needed: ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND in Solana TypeScript Project


As a developer working on a TypeScript project using Solana Web3.js, you may encounter the error “ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND” when trying to run a script. This error occurs because a required module was not found or could not be loaded due to various reasons, such as version conflicts, missing dependencies, or incorrect configuration.


In TypeScript, “ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND” is a specific error that indicates that the Solana Web3.js library was not successfully imported. This error typically occurs when a script tries to use a module that is required by another module in your project, resulting in the import not resolving.


Here are some of the most common causes of ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND:

  • Module not found: A required module or library is not installed or cannot be found in the package manager.
  • Version conflict

    : Two or more modules require different versions of a dependency, resulting in conflicts and unresolved imports.

  • Missing dependencies: The project is missing one or more dependencies, resulting in the failure to load the required module.

Steps to resolve

To resolve ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND in your Solana TypeScript project:

  • Check package manager: Make sure you have all the required packages installed and their versions match.
  • Check dependencies: Check for dependencies in your project. You can use tools like npm, yarn, or pnpm to check for dependencies.
  • Update Module Versions: If a version conflict is detected, update the required modules to compatible versions.
  • Install Additional Dependencies: If missing dependencies are found, install them to resolve the issue.

Example: Upgrading a Module Version

Let’s say you encounter the following error:

“node: internal/process/…».

If the error message indicates that the module is not found, try updating its version using npm or yarn:


npm update solana-web3



yarn update solana-web3

Tips and Best Practices

  • Use the –force flag: When installing packages with –force, it can resolve conflicts and reinstall dependencies. Be careful using this flag as it can break your project.
  • Check for incompatible modules

    Solana: Help Needed: ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND in Solana TypeScript Project

    : If you encounter multiple versions of the same module, investigate which one is causing the problem.

  • Test in a sandbox: Test your code in a sandbox or local development instance before deploying to production to catch bugs early.


If you encounter «ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND» in your Solana TypeScript project, take the necessary steps to resolve the issue. Check your dependencies, update your module versions, and install additional dependencies if necessary. By following these tips and best practices, you can overcome this error and continue developing your project successfully.


  • [Solana Web3.js Documentation](
  • [Node.js Documentation](
  • [npm Documentation](