Ethereum: api key reading config file – binance trading bot python: SyntaxError: (unicode error)

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Ethereum API Key Reading Config File: A Step-by-Step Guide For Beginners

Hello there! Congratulations on starting your coding journey, especially with trading bots. As a beginner, it can be overwhelming to set up and install the necessary libraries and configurations for your bot. In this article, we’ll walk you through how to read an ethereum api key from a config file using python.

why are you struggling?

You’re experiencing a Syntaxerror: (Unicode Error) Message, which indicates that there’s an issue with your code syntax. Don’t worry; It’s easy to resolve! In this article, we’ll focus on setting up the correct configuration and solving the Syntax Error.


Before diving into the instructions, make sure you have:

  • Python installed on your machine

  • A test Ethereum API Key From Binance (or any other Ethereum API)

  • A Basic Understanding of Python Programming

Step 1: Choose a config file location

Create a new file named Config.json in the same directory as your trading bot script. This file will store your API key.

Example config.json:



"api_key": "Your_api_key_here",

"api_secret_key": "your_api_secret_key_here"


Replace Your_api_key_here andYour_api_secret_key_here with your actual binance api keys.

Step 2: Install Required Libraries

You’ll need to install the following libraries:

  • Requests: For Making Http Requests

  • JSON: For Parsing JSON DATA

Run the following commands in your terminal:


pip install requests

json install pip


Step 3: Read API key from config file

Open your Config.json File and Add Your Binance API Key:



"api_key": "Your_api_key_here",

"api_secret_key": "your_api_secret_key_here"


Save the Changes to your config file.

Step 4: Update Trading Bot Script

Ethereum: api key reading config file - binance trading bot python: SyntaxError: (unicode error)

Modify your trading bot script (e.g., to read the API key from the config file:


Import Requests

Def Get_API_Keys ():

api_key = none


Use the config file to get the API Keys

with open ('config.json', 'r') as f:

data = json.load (f)

api_key = data ['api_key']

Return api_key

Except Exception As E:

Print (F "Error Reading API Key From Config File: {E}")

Get the API key and use it to make a request

api_key = get_api_keys ()

Print (API_Key)

Output: Your_api_key_here

Make A Request Using the Key API

URL = "

Headers = {'api_key': api_key, 'api_secret_key': 'your_api_secret_key_here'}

Response = Requests.get (URL, Headers = Headers)

Print (Response.json ())

Output: JSON Data From Binance API

Step 5: Run Your Trading Bot

Finally, run your trading bot script using Python:




This should connect to the test ethereum API and print your API key.

That’s it! You’ve successfully read an Ethereum API key from a config file and used it in your trading bot. Remember to update your code with your own Binance API Keys when you read for production use. Good Luck, and Happy Coding!

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