Solana: In Anchor, how can I check if an account is initialized or not before accessing its fields to avoid AccountNotInitialized errors?

Check if account is initialized in Solana with Anchor

In the anchor program, you may encounter «AccountNotInitialized» errors when trying to access fields of an account that has not yet been initialized. To mitigate this issue, we can leverage the built-in functionality of the «anchor program» library to handle uninitialized accounts.

Step 1: Create an account in Anchor

Before checking if an account is initialized, you need to initialize it using the «initAccount» function in Anchor. You can do this by importing the necessary libraries and creating a new instance of InitAccountOptions. Here is an example:

import { InitAccountOptions } from 'anchor program';

import { SolanaProgramClient } from @solana-program/client;

const accountId = 'account_id'; // Replace with your account ID

const programId = 'your_program_id'; // Replace with your program ID

constant options: InitAccountOptions = {

keypath: [program ID],

network: process.env.SOLANA_NODE_URL,


const solanaProgramClient = new SolanaProgramClient(process.env.SOLANA_KEY);

Step 2: Check if the account is formatted

You can check if an account has been initialized by using the «isAccountInitialized» function in Anchor. This function returns a logical value indicating whether the account is initialized or not. Here’s an example:

async function initializeAccount(accountId: string) {

Attempt {

const result = await anchorProgram.isAccountInitialized(accountId);

return result;

} catch (error) {

console.error('Error initializing account:', error);

return false;



Step 3: Send an introductory message to the account

After verifying that the account is initialized, you can send a message to the account to initialize it. For this purpose you can use Anchor’s sendNotification function:

async function initAccount(accountId: string) {

Attempt {

// Create initialization message data

constant message = {

signer: process.env.SOLANA_SIGNER, // Replace Solana signer with your public key

account: account number,

parameters: [],


// Send initialization message to account

wait anchorProgram.sendNotification({

id: 'your_init_message_id', // Replace with existing ID or create new one

data: JSON.stringify(message),


} catch(error) {

console.error('Error initializing account:', error);

returns false;



Step 4: Check for Account Not Initialized Error

After sending an initialization message to an account, you can check if it has been initialized by using Anchor’s «isAccountInitialized» function. If the account is not initialized, you will see the «AccountNotInitialized» error message. Here’s an example:

async function handleInitialize(accountId: string) {

Attempt {

const result = await anchorProgram.isAccountInitialized(accountId);

if (!result) {

console.error('Account Not Initialized:', accountID);

// Error "Handle Account Not Initialized"...


} catch (error) {

console.error('Error initializing account:', error);



Putting it all together

Here’s an example of how you can tie it all together to initialize a Solana account in Anchor:

«` typing

import { InitAccountOptions } from ‘anchor program’;

import { SolanaProgramClient } from @solana-program/client;

const accountId = ‘account_id’; // Replace with your account ID

const programId = ‘your_program_id’; // Replace with your program ID

constant options: InitAccountOptions = {

keypath: [program_id],

network: process.env.SOLANA_NODE_URL,


const solanaProgramClient = new SolanaProgramClient(process.env.SOLANA_KEY);

async function initializeAccount(accountId: string) {

Attempt {

const result = wait for docking program.

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