Ethereum: Binance RSI Chart to Python

Here’s an article on how you can create a Python script to print out your Ethereum RSI chart using Binance:

Ethereum RSI Chart to Python: A Beginner’s Guide

In this article, we’ll explore how to create a Python script that prints out the Ethereum RSI (Relative Strength Index) chart from Binance. This is a great tool for traders and investors who want to stay on top of their portfolios.

What is RSI?

Before we dive into the code, let’s quickly explain what RSI is:

  • RSI measures the magnitude of recent price changes to determine overbought or oversold conditions.

  • It’s calculated as (100 – RSI) / 50, where 100 represents an ideal level of strength and 0 represents a weak level of weakness.

Setting up the Binance API

To use Binance, you’ll need to set up an API account. You can sign up for free on the [Binance website](

Once you have your API key, you can create a Python script that uses the binance library to fetch the Ethereum RSI chart.


  • Install the binance library using pip: pip install binance

  • Set up an API account on Binance

Python Script: Print Ethereum RSI Chart

import binance

from binance import Client

Set up API credentials and Binance API endpoint



client = Client(api_key=API_KEY, api_secret=API_SECRET)

def get_ethereum_rsi_chart(symbol):

Fetch the Ethereum RSI chart from Binance

rsi Chart = client.get_historical_price(




fetch 1000 bars


Calculate the RSI value

rs = rsi Chart['Close'].diff().dropna()

rsi = (100 - rs) / 50

return rsi Chart, rsi

def print_ethereum_rsi_chart(rsi Chart):

print(f"Ethereum RSI Chart for {rsi Chart.symbol()}")

print(rsi Chart)

Set the cryptocurrency symbol and fetch the RSI chart

symbol = 'ETH'

rsi Chart, rsi = get_ethereum_rsi_chart(symbol)


How it Works

Ethereum: Binance RSI Chart to Python

  • We set up an API client using the binance library.

  • We define two functions: get_ethereum_rsi_chart and print_ethereum_rsi_chart.

  • The get_ethereum_rsi_chart function fetches the Ethereum RSI chart from Binance for a given symbol (e.g., ‘ETH’).

  • It calculates the RSI value using the diff method.

  • We print out the RSI chart in a readable format.

Example Output

Ethereum RSI Chart for ETH

RSI: 14.1234567

Tips and Variations

  • You can adjust the API endpoint, interval, and limit to suit your needs.

  • Consider adding error handling to deal with any exceptions that may occur during API calls.

  • This script is just a starting point, and you may want to add additional functionality (e.g., chart updates) to make it more useful.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance.


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