Ethereum: Creating empty blocks vs creating full blocks

Debate on empty blocks: Understanding Ethereum’s mining process

When it comes to creating blocks on a blockchain network like Ethereum, one of the most controversial topics is whether miners should include all included transactions or leave them empty. In this article, we will deepen the details of the Ethereum mining process and explore why the inclusion of empty blocks is acceptable.

Blockchain’s Blockhain Basics

In a blockchain network, each block contains a set of transactions that are checked by the network and added to «blockchain» as a new data structure. Miners use strong computers to solve complex mathematical problems, which involves checking transactions in a block and ensuring their consistency with previous blocks.

empty blocks: What are they?

Ethereum: Creating empty blocks vs creating full blocks

An empty block is a block that does not contain transactions. It is called «empty» block, because it has no storage data. This may seem counterintuitive in a blockchain, which is based on the integrity of each block being independent and self-consistent.

Creating empty blocks: Is it allowed?

Yes, empty blocks are allowed and accepted by most Ethereum miners. In fact, including all transactions in an empty block would lead to blockchain inconsistencies. Without transactions, there is no way to check or validate the data in each subsequent block, which would make the entire chain invalid.

Why do miners not include all transactions

Miners include only the necessary information and verify the integrity of the blockchain by including all transactions in a block. This process is designed to prevent double spending attacks and to ensure blockchain security and immutability.

Limiting the size of the block

A crucial aspect to consider is that the size limit of the Ethereum block (1 MB) should not be exceeded when creating an empty block. If a miner is trying to create an empty block greater than 1 MB, it would lead to significant performance problems and could compromise the entire network.

In summary, the miners have the authority to decide what transactions to include in a block and how many blocks they want to create (as long as the size of the block is less than 2.5 MB). The empty blocks are allowed and necessary to maintain the integrity of the Ethereum blockchain. Understanding why the inclusion of empty blocks is acceptable, we can better appreciate the complex mechanics behind this complex technology.

additional resources

If you are interested in finding out more about Ethereum’s mining process or you want to explore resources within the limits of the block, see:

  • [Ethereum block size limit] (

  • [Ethereum 2.0: The road to scalability and performance] (


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