Solana: Issue with NFT Transfer: NFT not showing in recipient’s wallet

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SOLANA: Problem with NFT TRANSFER – NFT does not show in the portfell

As a policeman solana, you can, you can, have been raised with a non -dispensable problem, asking to transfer one nft from one portfal in the second. In this state, we will utter the predums and the imposed plagues for its decrees.

Description Problems:

Solana: Issue with NFT Transfer: NFT not showing in recipient's wallet

The problem is concluded in the volume that NFT (nefixed token) is not manifested in the portfel in the sola. This can release the reproaching and blow out the problem, there are no quotes that can be inadvertently in the transaction.

Shagi by Provision:

To solve this problem, follow this step:

  • Linn the transaction that the NFT is overnexed with the first place (for example, Metamask or Solan Callet), using a personalized wall.



Potential Bus:

Before you subtress in the solution, let’s disperse some of the potentials of this problem:

* Configuration Portfeel : Encourage that the dwarf is adjusted by the right and that all the unusual keys are sorted.

* The transaction of the transaction

: Encourage that the transaction was correctly confirmed to Solana, the passage of any non -existent chases (for example, gas shades).

* NFT methodatate: proclaim that the metadada nft is right and a certain, extending improper metadanic perhaps to release the problems with the transitions.

Reciples Rest:

  • verify the configuration of the portfal : verify the double portfel rightly tuned that it is possible that all the necessary keys are impaired.

  • transaction of the management of the proclamation : Prosmotine transaction output that it will be killed that it will pass all the necessary drops (for example, gas shades).



* Use the conmanda nft nft `nft ‘: Linen this Commond to verify, see Li nft into the pot.

* Check the chronology of transaction : Press the registration of transaction that the problem was not made from the time of the transaction.

* Cringer with Subdrazhka Solana : If neither one of these shagies does not resolve the problem, enclose to the Komande Strait clients solana.

The trace of this is the name and the delications, you should be in the state of the identification and to resolve the problem with NFT in Solana. Good malt!


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