Ethereum: Can the blockchain be outpaced by a chain of low-difficulty blocks?

Can Blockchain Ethereum be overcome by a low -level block chain?

Because the world is becoming more and more dependent on blockchain technology for safe, decentralized and transparent transactions, a question that caused a debate between experts is: Can the whole blockchain be overcome by a low warning block chain?

Let’s break it for those who do not know the blockchain. Blockchain is a distributed digital book that records transactions on the computer network. Each block in the chain summarizes all the transactions made from the previous block and creates a new block title that contains a unique code (shortened) for each transaction.

In Ethereum, an evidence algorithm, also known as «etash», is used to ensure the network, requiring the miners to solve for complex mathematical puzzles. The difficulty level of these puzzles changes over time due to the number of nodes in the network and the amount of calculation available. This makes it increasingly difficult to extract new blocks in a short period.

Script Fork

Let us now consider the extreme scenario in which someone creates a blockchain fork in the Genesis block (the first block of the Ethereum network) with very small difficulty settings. From that moment they begin to extract new blocks and continue until they reach a specific stage, say, 10 million transactions or more.

Theoretically, if these miners could, in a way, maintain almost a constant speed of block production, theoretically, would take them much less time to reach the required number of blocks than in normal circumstances. Theoretically, this means that the whole blockchain can be «pumped» by a low block chain before violating the network security.

But it can happen?

Theoretically, yes, but there are several reasons why such an extreme scenario would not lead to the rapid fall of the Ethereum network:

  • Network overload : The increased number of blocks would cause a huge network load, causing overloading and slowing transactions.

  • A blocking of the shortcut indicator

    : When more knots try to extract new blocks, the general shortening speed (available calculation power) decreases, which makes it difficult to maintain a constant rhythm of blocks.

  • Transaction time : Time confirming the transaction confirmation would increase significantly due to the larger number of tail transactions.

  • Intelligent contracts interactions

    Ethereum: Can the blockchain be outpaced by a chain of low-difficulty blocks?

    : With an increased number of blocks, smart contracts can start to feel delays and errors when interacting with the network.


Although theoretically, it is possible that a chain of low broadcast blocks exceeds Blockchain Ethereum, there are many practical restrictions that make this scenario unlikely. The rapid growth of the network would probably lead to overload, blockages, delays of transactions and intelligent contractual errors before any significant damage can be caused.

To summarize, although it is an intriguing thinking experiment, the idea of ​​a low level chain blocks blockchain ethereum, is more a theoretical problem than practical reality. For now, the decentralized, safe and transparent nature of the Ethereum network remains undeniable due to the solid consensus algorithm.


  • «Ethereum 2.0: Technical Review» Vitalik Buterin

  • «Blockchains in the computer network: a scalable solution for safe financial transactions»

  • «Landscape of an intelligent contract: trends and applications»

Note: This article aims to present an instructive review of the subject, instead of anticipating a specific result or providing technical tips.

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