Bitcoin: After signing a message, how to verify the signature with JavaScript/TypeScript?

Verification of signatures at Bitcoin Nodes with JavaScript/Typescript

In order to verify the signature of the user’s message at the Bitcoin node, we must ensure that the signature is correct and comes from the same private key. In this article we will discuss how to achieve this using JavaScript/Typescript.

Setting up an environment

Before we start, make sure you have Node.js. We will also use the «Crypto» module to create a hash-256 user message.


Const Crypto = Require (‘Crypto’);


Signature of message using Bitcoin-Js

Bitcoin-JS is a JavaScript library that allows us to interact with bitcoin nodes. We can sign our message using this library:


Async function signmessage (node, message) {

Const privatekey = acait node.getprivatekey ();

Const Signature = Acait Privatekey.Sign (Message);

return signature;



Signature verification at the bitcoin node

Once we signed a message with Bitcoin-JS, we must verify it at the bitcoin node. We will use the bitcoinjs-lib library for this purpose.


Const bitcoinjslib = require (‘bitcoinjs-lib’);

Async function Verifysignature (node, signature, message) {

Const Publickey = AWAIT Node.Getpublickey ();

Const ISVALID = acait bitcoinjslib.verifysignature (Signature, Publickey, Message);

Return Isvalid;



Example use

Here’s an example of how to use the following features:


Const bitcoinnode = ‘

Const privatekey = acait bitcoinnode.getprivatekey ();

// sign a message using Bitcoin-Js

SignMessage (Bitcoinnode, sign this message to prove that you own this wallet (ERR, signature) => {

IF (ERR) Console.error (ERR);

otherwise {

Const Publickey = acait bitcoinnode.getpublickey ();

Const ISVALID = Verifysignature (Bitcoinnode, Signature, Sign this message to prove that you own this wallet");

Console.log (ISVALID); // should be true



Handling error

When using Bitcoin-JS, it is necessary to correctly handle errors. This can be done by capturing any exceptions that may occur.


SignMessage (Bitcoinnode, sign this message to prove that you own this wallet, (ERR) => {

IF (ERR) Console.error (ERR);


According to these steps and examples, we can verify the signature of the user’s message at the Bitcoin node using JavaScript/Typescript.

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