Ethereum: EIP-1271 signatures with Gnosis Safe off-chain

Creating Signature EIP-1271 with Safe Safe: guide to execution outside the chain

As the Ethereum ecosystem continues to develop, understanding how to implement and execute smart contracts remains necessary. In this article, we will capture the creation of the signature of the EIP-1271 using the security library for interaction with the GOSIS SAFE without a carrier.

What is EIP-1271?

EIP-1271 (Ethereum improved proposal 1271) is an extension of the ERC-721 token token standards that cannot be threatened, which allows for more signature transactions. This allows for safe and decentralized data storage, making it ideal for applications such as identity check, management or protocol model of decentralized finances (Dead).

Safe safely: simple library

Safely safe is a widely accepted banknote from the chain that provides an interaction user interface with different banknotes, including Gosis Secur. One of his key features is the ability to sign transactions using the signature of the EIP-1271.

Creating signature EIP-1271 using a safe bark

To create the signature of the EIP-1271 using a safe safe chain, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Install the Library required : Make sure you have the Safe-Core and «Safe-Safe» library in your project.

  • Make a safe account : Generate a new safe account using the Safewallet 'Library.

  • Configure Gnithus Safe : Set Gosis SAFE as an external wallet following these steps:

* Install theGosis-Safe packet:NPM Install Gnisosafe

* Initialization of the gnosis safe API client: Import {Safeapiclient} from 'gnosis-saf'; Const Safeapi = New Safeapiclient ();


* Const signatory = Wait Safecore.signes.create ('Myeiip1271Signature'); Const sig = awaits the signatory.sign ({from: '0x ...', data: ...});

  • Save and retrieve signature

    Ethereum: EIP-1271 signatures with Gnosis Safe off-chain

    : Save a generated signature in a chain contract or use it as needed.

Here's a sample clip of a demonstration code of this procedure:


Import {Safecore} from ‘@gnosisprotocol/Safe-Core’;

Import {Safeapiclient} from ‘Gosis-Sfe’;

Const Safeaccount = Wait Safewallet.createaccount ();

Const signature = wait for safecore.signes.create (‘Myeiip1271Signature’);

Const sig = awaits the signatory.sign ({from: ‘0x …’, data: …});

// Store signature in a chain contract

Wait Safeapiclient.SoreonchainContract (‘Myaddress’, Sig);

// retrieve a stored signature

Const Revispitanisig = Wait for Saoptupiclient.RetrieveonchainContract (‘Myaddress’);


Proposal of transaction with safe API-KIT

To perform a transaction using these signatures EIP-1271 outside the chain, you will need to create a proposal for transactions using thesafe-Api-kit ‘library. Here’s an example:


Import {Safeapi} from ‘Safe-Api-Kit’;

Const Safeaccount = Wait Safewallet.createaccount ();

Const signature = wait for safecore.signes.create (‘Myeiip1271Signature’);

Const Treaty = ‘0x …’;

const data = buffer.from ([…]);

Const Gasprice = 20;

Const Gaslimit = 100;

Const proposal = {

From: ‘0x …’ // Your address on the chain


Const Transaction = wait for Safeapi.executeproposal ({{{











The creation of the signature of the EIP-1271 using a safe safe is a simple procedure that enables safe and decentralized data storage. Following these steps, you can generate the signature of the EIP-1271 outside the chain and perform transactions using the librarySafe-API-Kit`.

Remember that you always follow the best practices to ensure smart contracts, including safe use of safe wallets and safe storage of sensitive data.

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