Ethereum: Binance – msg: ‘Signature for this request is not valid.’

Combining Oshbak Enlightenment and Resolution for Are Binance -api in Nodejs

As a delay, you, rightly, have a lining, if you are asked to get away http -in the binance -api with your pre -proclamation tongue. In this state, we defeated the obese «Subscribed for this request» and indicate the plague instruction for the solution.

Possession of the Obuzhka

Obbing is indicated by the fact that the treats, the disposal in the binance -api, do not contain adverse signatures. At the right of the http -was in the library nodejs Axios you should exclude» signature «in the pile of your request for authentification and authorization of access to API.

In this case, the bubble, faithfully, connected with one of the two backers:

  • Subscribe or non -false «signatures»

    Ethereum: Binance - msg: 'Signature for this request is not valid.'

    : Trebbing does not contain a memorial signature that the library «Axios» can not verify the sublime.

  • Inaccurate X-MBX-APIKY 'Zagolovok : This Zagolovok is necessary for API, which were made by the API website Binance. If this scarecrows outflow or indulge inadately, it can also pre -pretend to prevail.

Shagi Distribution

To dissolve the scraper, carry the pursuing shagies:

Variant 1:

Receive that the tracking assembled is a valid signature in your http. The format for the api-website from the binance, it is equally included by the-s mbx-apikey ‘bonnery with the API in the quality of the value.

Primer (Nodejs)


Const Axios = require ('Axios');

// Install information about registration binance -api and your site -url

Const apikey = 'Your_api_key';

Const apisecret = 'Your_api_secret';

Const Wsurl = 'WSS: // 9443/Webocket';

// Install the signature in Zagolovka X-MBX-APIKY

Const Headers = {

'X-MBX-APIKY': Apikey,


// Install the object web -ta with the help of information about the entry in the system and webocket -url (Wsurl, Data, {Zagolovka})

.then (Response => Console.log ('Suppressed'))

.Catch (error => console.error ('error:', error));

Variant 2: AFTER

If you are still more unwavering with the problems after that, as you have provided with the current «signature», check, access to the «X-MBX-APIKY» in your request. You can make it, the sight of the «Web» title in the instruments of your brouer or integrated function of the Bibliote «Axios».

Primer (Nodejs)


Const Axios = require ('Axios');

// Install information about registration binance -api and your site -url

Const apikey = 'Your_api_key';

Const apisecret = 'Your_api_secret';

// Install the treats with the help of X-MBX-APIKY

Const Headers = {

'X-MBX-APIKY': Apikey,


// Using Axios for the STRIBUTE COMPLETION IN BINANCE -API ('ws: // 9443/Webocket', Data, {Zagolovka})

.then (Response => Console.log ('Suppressed'))

.Catch (error => console.error ('error:', error));

If you predict these shagies, you will be able to go «signature for this request» and firmly assemble with the binance -api with your predicative programing tongue.


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