Ethereum: binance api, my sell function is not working but my buy function is working

He is a Thaurea article: the problem:

Sereeum sel funking: binance api edition

Ethereum: binance api, my sell function is not working but my buy function is working


I am expelled broadcast with with the use of the Binance API. It may know that the function is expelled by the expulsion, but the second will be the second of the operation that does not work is the correct notion. I am trying to solve the problem and enchant myself with a few pictures.

Error message

My Monday errors are 2:


  • «Invalid responsibility of a server: lack of parameter required» symbol «or key in responsibility»

  • «Invalid transaction data: Invalid type for the» Gaz «field

Peter Causeue

Based on my investigation, some Pouse of the problem are undetermined:


  • Data format Inspective : Maybe sealing transaction data is not the correction format for API binance.

  • Gas ​​price problems : The price required for a subccessive Secretssul is the message of the message.

tiger paese must

To solve this problem, I have the following steps:


  • * Check the data format: I see that my sales transaction data is in the Binance API correction format, reviewing the YTX object.

3.Adjust Gace *: reduced the necessary price for a subsolar for a subsistence transaction to ensure in format format.

The following steps

To be a problem, it would be a problem, I would like:

  • Review of the API Binance Document

    : Check Tet. Corresponate the correct formats and formats for the continuation.

  • Test on medium sandbox : Testing sealing function in a sandbox provides UTBOX sent to utility before implementing it on the live market.

By watching the steps, the hope of solving this is a problem and getting my work sale.

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